Monday, May 10, 2010

Last entry

My cross country journey is over 2 months of rides and routine.
Often times struggling to get out of bed and now I'm free and tired.
Memories wind through my thoughts each day.I want to do other long
rides and see new places and faces.
still in Georgia with Barb and Frankie. They taken me on bike rides
and roadtrips through the countryside, I've met their family and
friends and enjoyed my stay at their B&B in Helen GA
I'll soon be on Amtrak going west stopping a few times to visit along
the way
Thanks for following me

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Signs in Helen GA

The last photo was drawn by Max, it's the 14 Greek gods that he
whipped out while we enjoyed a visit at the coffee shop

Hilltop Haus

Frankie and Barbara's home and B&B.
Chattahoochee River

Lunchstop in Sautee Valley(Barbara,Leela and Frankie)

Veggie stand in Nacoochee Valley

Helen Georgia

The journey continues as one of my friends said....
Leela and I are being treated to Frankie and Barbara's B&B. What a
way for me to slowly re enter... I'm still with my "peeps"

Here's Frankie with her Grandkids...Max who wouldn't get a haircut
until Frankie came home, and Sarah and Savannha