Thursday, April 29, 2010


"It's over except for the tears" says Frankie Allen

I'm in my room, wishing that Leela was here today instead of tomorrow. So many
women had friends,lovers and family meet us. My timing is off. And I'm feeling a lose

I disassembled my bike and boxed it after coming back from the beach... It was hot
and I about unraveled with not having the right supplies to pack properly.

I finally suceeded and it's here in the room
with me. I'll ship it out tomorrow after Leela arrives. I still don't know if we are going to
New Orleans Jazz Fest or straight to Geogia for a visit with Barbara and Frankie at their B&B in Helen

maybe a goodnight sleep is what I need... I'll do better tomorrow


  1. Congratulations! You've made a great accomplishment happen one day at a time. Good luck with the re-entry. Take that one day at a time too and you'll be fine no matter what happens (and believe me, a lot can happen!). All the best, Ellen ST 2008

  2. Congratulations on your ride! It was a fantastic experience for me, too, in 2007. It is hard to believe that it has been three years. Thanks for sharing your journal which I have followed. Your feelings today are totally understandable. Don't expect the aftermath of this trip to be easy. Re-entry is difficult but it passes. It just takes time! You have done something that few others have accomplished so pat yourself on the back!

  3. Thanks Anne and Ellen for following my photo blog. It helps to hear that it's not easy to re enter....Anne I'm impressed with the other rides you've done. I may choose one of them. And thanks for your fundraising efforts!
